The Melting Cups started with an experiment while I was a student. I wanted to drop 1kg (same) clay cylinders, from different heights to see what happened. Instead I tested 5 different clay bodies, dropped from the same height. It was an interesting way to get to know the structural properties of different clay, and to achieve unexpected results; from dramatic ripples to a slight lean.

On a whim I dropped a cup; it looked like it had melted and I made a series of ‘Melting Moment’ cups. The cups were selected for the 2018 annual Ceramicus exhibition at the Academy galleries in Wellington, and they have since become a regular feature in my collection.


2018 – 2022
Wheel-thrown and dropped, white stoneware clay
Average size: H: 8cm W: 8 – 12cm
Ceramic Melting cups by Karin Amdal